Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the official working language in SCIEMUN?
    English is the only and official working language. Delegates are expected to speak in English during both informal and formal debate.

  2. Does SCIEMUN allow devices?
    Yes, SCIEMUN is a device-friendly conference. However, delegates are allowed to use their devices only during resolution writing and resolution debate. During resolution debate, delegates may only use their device to view the resolution, and the use of AI, online resources and social media is strictly prohibited.

  3. Does SCIEMUN require opening speeches?
    Opening speeches are required for each and every delegate. Delegates should print or write out their opening speeches ahead of time.

  4. Will SCIE be providing printing services for delegates?
    No, SCIE will not sustain any requests from delegates to print out their notes or speeches. Delegates are expected to come prepared ahead of time with all needed materials in paper form.

  5. What should delegates expect for the first committee session?
    The graph below illustrates how our conference will operate on Friday: