SCIEMUN 2022: Promoting cooperation in an increasingly divided world

In 2022, SCIEMUN was unfortunately forced to transition online due to unforseen circumstances. It was a challenge for chairs and delegates alike. The following is a article written by one of our chairs at the time.

SCIEMUN 2022: A Memorable Compromise

In a pivotal moment for the Model United Nations (MUN) community, SCIEMUN 2022, traditionally an offline conference hosted by SCIE (Shenzhen College of International Education), adapted to the new realities brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

This year, SCIEMUN 2022 made history by transitioning to an online format, marking a significant departure from its customary offline setting. The decision to go virtual was necessitated by the ongoing pandemic, which posed unprecedented challenges to the conduct of large-scale gatherings.

The virtual adaptation featured five committees, each hosting approximately eight delegates. Participants in SCIEMUN 2022 represented a diverse range of international schools in Shenzhen, including Basis International School, ISNS (International School of Nanshan Shenzhen), and Vanke Meisha Academy, among others. Despite the digital divide, these delegates rallied to maintain the spirit of MUN.

While SCIEMUN has long been a cherished tradition at SCIE, this year's online iteration brought forth many expected and unexpected challenges. Roll call and communication were slower and occasionally marked by digital awkwardness, with delegates requiring extra encouragement to break the online silence. Connectivity issues, a common online pitfall, tested the patience of participants and organizers alike.

However, amidst these challenges, the essence of MUN persevered. Delegates, representing nations from across the globe, engaged in productive debates, forged friendships, and experienced mutual learning. This diverse gathering of young minds helped break down preconceived notions about other countries, fostering an international perspective.

Crucially, SCIEMUN 2022 produced resolutions of exceptional quality, a testament to the dedication and adaptability of its participants. Delegates collaborated to refine resolutions, addressing inconsistencies and ambiguities through myriad amendments; while chairs from all committees continued to recognize and award those who maintained enthusiasm in the face of the digital terrain.

As SCIEMUN 2022 draws to a close, the future of the conference seems poised to reflect its esteemed past while integrating lessons learned from the online experience. The desire to return to offline conferences is palpable, but the technological innovations and insights gained during the online transition will likely shape the way forward. The MUN community, having demonstrated resilience and adaptability, faces the future with optimism, embracing the evolving landscape of technology, international diplomacy, and cooperation.