SCIEMUN 2019 was the last MUN conference held at the old Shuiwei campus of SCIE. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Shenzhen College of International Education, we have asked one of our alumna to write about her experience: SCIEMUN 2019 was the first official MUN conference I joined. I had previously been part of other debate competitions/events, but I joined SCIEMUN specifically because some friends told me that MUN would be a challenge, even for the most competent orators. And a challenge it was, from the first day of introducing myself to the members of the Human Rights Council of SCIEMUN 2019, to the very final moments of defending our bloc's resolution paper. It was simultaneously the most stressful and exhilarating two days of my life, discussing shared ideas with individuals who were just as passionate as me on the council's topics and sometimes even defending my statements from the very same people. I have since regarded joining SCIEMUN as one of the best things I did in highschool, and would choose to join it again if I had the chance.

- Hajin Kim
(Former SCIE MUN ECA Student Leader)